Sunday, January 31, 2010


A little over a week ago we had a fog and frost all rolled up into one. I warned our son as he walked out the door to school to be careful, it was slick. I warned my husband, too. Thirty minutes after doing so, Fiona and I walked out the door, down the block and just enjoying a little mother/daughter chit chat.
So, it is pretty obvious at this point what happened. Yup, down I went and yes, the first thing I did after moving was to look around to see who might have seen. Then I realized that I HURT!!. Man! I have fallen before but this hurt. But, more importantly, I needed to get to the house and change out of dirty clothes. I shelved the hurt and got dressed and then went to work. Then I realized that parts of my body really smarted. Everything moved so I thought I was good to go.
Now, I am not so sure. Ther are places left still hurting, lumps still in existance that should have gone down by this time.
Do I go to a doctor? Do I have an injury that should have been looked at to begin with but was too stubborn to spend the money?
Maybe things will disappear by tomorrow, or maybe Tuesday. Yeah, I can wait another day. No problem.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Enough is Enough

I believe I will be letting my subscription to the local paper run itself out, never to be renewed. The barrage of narrow mindedness, let alone the inability to put two words together accurately, has finally taken the toll necessary for me to say "ENOUGH".
I love a good debate. Nothing better than hearing both sides of an issue spoken intelligently. Really.
This is not happening in the Great Bend Tribune. I want to continue to make a contribution to consideration and deliberation on issues. However, I don't believe it can happen in that particular forum.
If someone knows where it can take place, let me know.
For now I will speak on blogs and in other papers.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have am in a lazy, hermit-like streak right now. The desire to retreat from the world for a little while is really strong. Not that I want to stop work or stop caring. That is not it at all. I just want a short space of time to just "be".
I say all this fully knowing that there so many others with a great deal more on their plate and dealing quite well (at least that is the impression I get). Makes me feel guilty in what I am feeling.
But there it is.
Just a little time.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My grandson is beginning to put words together those around can understand. Very few mind you, but he is beginning. It has made me start thinking about communication in general.
How we watch one another so closely some time. Comparing body language to actual words. Actual words matched to actions.
My husband says I watch to closely sometimes. I take a heavy sigh to mean there is discontent. An aloof look by my 14 year old sign as an attitude of disdain - ok, I might be right on that one.
But, language comes in so many forms, even in silence.
Watching the toddler jabbering away, oblivious to everyone seems to me to be blissful. He is not concerned by the body language around him. The heavy sighs mean nothing. The look of disdain is wasted on the little boy. He just looks up at the 14 year old, smiles and knows beyond all doubt a heart will melt.
Would that we could all be that way.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Just wanted to say thank you to whoever posted a comment. It made my day.


The other day I had the opportunity to go to a Borders book store. I love that place. It ranks right up there next to a Penzey Spice store and a cooking store (Cook's Nook in McPherson comes to mind). Anyway, I wandered around with my sister and as we did, we chatted about the different books catching our interest. Cook books were high on our lists. Both of us cook and books that deal with anything in the kitchen are a weakness.
This time it was not a cookbook that really caught my attention and has stayed with me.
Nope. It was something much different.
The book was titled "The "F" Word".
I do not remember the author and I apologize to him and to anyone else believing I should.
I also will not go into the actual text of the book. It could really offend some readers.
However, I am going to say this book had me crying in the middle of the store from laughing so hard. It deals with all things "F". For some, it would be offensive and I am sure some parts would offend me. Yet there were some words and connotations sooooo funny.
If you get the chance, scan it. Maybe even buy it. It just might have the word you hav always looked for but didn't know truly existed.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


My middle daughter turned her senior pictures in for the yearbook. We had disagreed somewhat about which one would go where. When it comes right down to it, I think my problem with all of the senior picture discussion is that I don't want Fiona to be a senior just yet.
Her mother is not ready to see her walk across and get that diploma. She should still be a little girl.
Fiona tells me regularly she is not. My mind accepts the fact, but my heart cannot.
Not yet.


The last couple of days I have been spouting against religious bigotry. There have been articles in the paper that spurred my rant. The worst came last night and this morning. After the horrendous earthquake in Haiti and the massive devastation that has resulted, a noted fundamental preacher in the United States declared the Haitians deserved the earthquake for making a pact with the devil 200 years before.
This is supposedly a "Christian" man.
I do not believe that for one moment.
I once knew a Jewish man whose parents sent he and his brother to England and then to the States shortly before the Nazis reached their town. Sig never saw his parents again. They died in a concentration camp. Sig and his brother came to know the kindness of many Christians and Jews. I remember saying "I like Christians. Nice people. Just wish there were more of them." Meaning, he knew some people saying they were Christian, but their actions stated differently.
I guess we need to work towards making the difference.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Last night we watched "Independent Lens". A favorite for George and I. This particular show was on elderly people in a chorus presenting a show on an annual basis. The show they were working on was comprised of punk and rock. The premise was odd. No doubt about it. It worked.
Lyrics of today apply to the people of all ages and challenges our perceptions of who should listen to what music. Not all people over 70 listen to classical or Lawrence Welk (no the two are not synonomous). It also shed light on the reality of life and death. Made all involved, both in the show or the watching of it, come to grips with the fragile hold we have within our lives. That with all the control we would like to have, we don't have that much and it is something I needed to be reminded.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Under Attack

This morning I read a letter to the editor in our local paper. It was lamenting the fact we were no longer a "Christian" nation and we were under attack from the Muslim world. The author lamented the lack of what he felt to be justified uprising against Islam for a foiled one man terrorist attack on a plane over Detroit on Christmas day. He also stated we were being drawn into the Muslim agenda to convert us all.
I cannot help but shake my head in wonder at the blindness of it all. This so called man of God used passages from the gospel of Matthew to back up his assertions. Is he really serious?
I do not take his accusations lightly. The man believes and is trying to spread his bigotry to one and all.
The only thing that is worse is the fact the local paper prints this and that the editor apparently agrees in his writings.
I will be writing to the paper in response. Someone needs to stand up and say no to the continued deliberate mis-information and spread of religious bigotry.
I hope others will join me.

Friday, January 8, 2010


My grandson will be going to daycare on Monday for the first time ever. His mother will be attending college classes and he will be attending the daycare on campus. I don't think Cait knows what might hit on Monday when she turns to leave for class.
Maybe I am wrong.
I don't think so.
I remember when I left her with Darlene. A wonderful, grandmotherly woman who doted upon Caitlin as she would her own. A perfect place for my daughter. I knew that.
Didn't matter.
I wept all the way to work and had to sit in the car for approximately 15 - 20 minutes to pull it together.
I called every hour to make sure all was well. Thank God Darlene was patient. Cait did well. Her mother? Not so much.
It took a week to get used to the idea, the fact. Cait and Darlene took maybe an hour and life was grand.
But at least she will be close. She can check. She can hold him and know he has not forgotten her.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


We took everything off the Christmas tree tonight. Tomorrow the tree will go out the door and the living room will be rearranged for the remainder of winter. This the first day/night of Epiphany and it is to celebrate the light of God going into the world. Yet, I always feel a pang of sadness with this first day. Christmas leaves the house.
I know, we can keep the spirit inside of us, but it just isn't the same. I like some of the trappings. I like the light of the tree when all the other lights are off. I like the feel of the house when the tree is up.
No, I am not going to follow the recommendation of some and keep a live tree in the house all year. The house just isn't big enough. They are an unattractive shade of black or gray in no time.
So, I guess I have to find an alternative. Something to bring the light back into the house.
Any suggestions?

Monday, January 4, 2010


It was the first day back to school today. The building had been shut down for 2 weeks. 2 weeks where the weather was brutally cold and schools had their furnaces set at the lowest setting or not turned on at all.
It was cold! The type that makes you hunker into yourself. Trying to keep any heat your body makes. The type where coats and gloves are kept on all day and space heaters run to no avail.
It was cold.
My husband came and got me early. My body just could not take any more. Truly.
The remedy has been a hot bath, hot tea and warm sockies. Possibly early bedtime with lots of blankets and a heating pad.
I know the state does not have money to give to the schools. The schools do not have money to up the heat quotient. But damn!
It was cold!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Parenting continually

Our oldest wants her son to talk. He is is 15 months old and can jabber with the best of them. She wants real words. So we talked about ways she can encourage speech and word recognition. Cait listened and, I think, will apply some of the things we discussed.
Afterwards I looked back at when she and her siblings learned to talk. When her sister started, she never stopped. Her brother's favorite word was "actually". Still is for that matter.
Language and communicating has evolved in this family. Certainly we talk - always. There is texting, emailing and sometimes yelling at full voice. (We won't go into that last one right now).
Sometimes the words come as gifts.
I got such a gift today.
A foster daughter of ours wrote to me this morning. She wanted to let me know she was a good person and a good mom. That she felt blessed to have had us as parents. I sat here and wept. That she is a good person does not surprise me. She was strong. Had to be. She knew she would make it in this life. But to have her write as she did....
The gift of language is presented in so many ways. We learn those ways all through our lives. Not just when we are young. Sometimes when we are middle aged and sometimes when we are old.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 (Not the movie version)

I started 3 weeks ago thinking of goals for 2010. Not resolutions. Something negative to me in setting a resolution. Like I might be setting myself up for failure. So goal setting it was.
My husband and I have always looked at the year in review and then set goals for the coming year. He is good at the goal setting. Me? Not so much.
But here goes.
I want to be healthy. Healthier. Losing weight would be great - Lord knows I need to. But setting a weight loss amount? Let's go for healthy. Reducing stress? Hmmmm. Let's go for learning to relax a little more frequently.
Write more? Now that is definitely a goal that does not need any modification. Very doable.
Daily state something I am thankful for? Start right now. I am thankful for being warm (dogs wrapped around my feet).
So, here I go.